As determined at the Annual General Meeting, Thursday 16 February 2023
- Name
The society shall be named the Rotorua District Residents and Ratepayers Incorporated, hereinafter “the RDRR”.
- Purpose
The purpose of the RDRR is to require local government in the district to conform with principles of constitutional and administrative law and statutory purposes to the benefit of the inter-generational public interest such as to advance public trust in government.
- Objective
The objective of the RDRR is to promote and advocate social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being in the district of Rotorua, as preferred by residents and ratepayers.
To achieve this objective the RDRR will focus on: the transparency of local governance; financial prudence with revenues, debt and expenditure; effective consultation of ratepayers and the public prior to decision making on all issues of significance, and promoting increased prosperity and equity of outcomes.
The achievement of this objective should be evident through RDRR lobbying elected members of Council, advocating policies through submissions, providing a public forum about local government at a Facebook page and website, and organising public meetings to enable briefings and consultations.
- Membership
- Persons who are currently on the electoral rolls of the Rotorua District may become a member upon the approval by the Committee (defined below) of their application (as set out on the RDRR’s membership application form) and their payment of the annual subscription (which shall accompany the membership application form).
- Other persons who wish to commit to the purpose of the RDRR shall be eligible for membership.
- Prospective members and current members shall commit to supporting the purpose and objectives of the RDRR on the understanding that the Committee may terminate their membership if they feel that the member is not serving RDRR’s purposes or adversely affecting its smooth functioning. The Committee shall advise the Applicant or a Current Member of its decision to refuse or terminate membership, giving fair reasons, and that decision shall be final.
The RDRR’s financial year shall be from 1 October to 30 September.
- Subscription
The Committee is to announce the annual subscription for the following year at the AGM.
- Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the RDRR shall be held by 31 December or as soon as possible thereafter to allow for unanticipated crises such as pandemics, lockdowns, wars or armed conflict, critical supply chain issues, storms or unforeseen natural disasters, or any other national or regional disruption.
The date of the AGM shall be notified to members by email or postal circular at least 20 days prior.
The AGM agenda shall include:
- consideration of matters for which due notice has been given to members,
- transacting of any other general business that is in harmony with the objectives of the RDRR, and
- Special General Meeting
A special general meeting (SGM) may be convened by the Committee for any purpose that it considers appropriate upon receipt by the Secretary of a written request signed by no less than 10% of the members that exist as at the date of the RDRR’s receipt of the request.
The business of an SGM shall be notified to members by email or postal circular at least 14 days prior to holding the meeting. A minimum of 10% of the members that exist at the date of calling for a special general meeting must be present at such a meeting, either physically or electronically, and only business of which proper notice has been given shall be transacted.
In a situation where an SGM may not be convened due to it being a public health risk, or prevented by some other form of natural disaster, then the Committee may conduct a SGM using electronic media or over a period using email to declare the business of the meeting, consult members and pass resolutions.
- Voting at General Meetings
All motions at general meetings shall be decided by a simple majority of members.
- Proxies
No member shall be entitled to appoint a proxy to attend or vote at any general meeting or Committee meeting of the RDRR.
- Management
- The RDRR shall be managed between AGMs by a Committee elected at the AGM. The Committee shall comprise officers being a Chairperson, a Minutes Secretary, a Membership Secretary, a Treasurer and a minimum of five and a maximum of nine other ordinary members. The Committee may appoint a Patron and Policy Advisors to serve at their pleasure.
- Five Committee members shall be a quorum for Committee meetings.
- Decisions of the Committee shall be by simple majority.
- All members of the Committee shall be expected to provide leadership to campaigns as endorsed by the Committee, such as Working Parties. Each Working Party shall have a member of the Committee on it.
- Any Committee vacancy occurring after the AGM may be filled by those continuing on the Committee.
- The Committee shall have all the powers necessary for the administration of the RDRR in the furtherance of its objectives, including, but not limited to, those referred to in this Constitution and Rules, the engagement of staff, the acquisition of assets in the name of the RDRR, the operation of bank account/s, and the investment of funds on behalf of the RDRR.
- While the Committee may not borrow monies, nor make loans to members, it is authorised to enter operational finance arrangements to achieve its objectives.
- Nomination and Election of Officers
Written nominations for each officer and ordinary committee member shall be made for the AGM at which an election of the Committee is to be held, such nominations (which must include the written consent of the nominee) being in the hands of the Secretary within 48 hours of the commencement of the meeting.
If the number of nominations is insufficient prior to the AGM then nominations may be accepted from the floor, with the consent of the nominee. No person shall vote at the AGM or SGM or be nominated for a Committee position unless their subscription is current. Election shall be by ballot at the meeting.
- Powers to Co-Opt
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional committee members from amongst membership of the RDRR to ensure that the Committee has an adequate skill mix and to enhance its capacity to respond to issues as they arise.
- Patron Responsibilities
The Committee may appoint a Patron to serve as a guardian of the Constitution and values of the RDRR, as an adjudicator where the Constitution and values of the RDRR are in dispute or where a decision of the Committee is appealed. The Patron’s advice shall be considered de novo by the Committee. The Committee may award a retiring Patron a Life Membership of the RDRR.
- Chairperson Responsibilities
- The Chairperson shall call meetings of the Committee as appropriate, have oversight of Working Parties, and prepare the Annual Report of the RDRR prior to ending his/her term in office.
- The Chairperson shall provide an updated list of Committee Members and their roles and Working Parties to the Committee with contacts data to facilitate communications.
- The Chairperson may issue Press Releases on behalf of the RDRR.
- The Chairperson is to serve as the sole Administrator of the RDRR’s Facebook page and website and may designate other roles (e.g. Moderator) as appropriate.
- The Chairperson is to ensure that an annual financial statement for the RDRR (No. 2631973) (NZBN:9429043303212) is filed with the New Zealand Companies Office after the AGM has confirmed accounts.
- Meeting Secretary Responsibilities
The Meeting Secretary shall carry out the instructions of the Committee.
The Meeting Secretary shall conduct all correspondence, keep minutes showing the business transacted at each meeting of the Committee and the RDRR, and otherwise perform all those duties usually pertaining to the office of Secretary.
- Membership Secretary Responsibilties
The Membership Secretary shall carry out the instructions of the Committee.
The Membership Secretary shall also maintain the RDRR’s Membership Database, report membership changes and trends to each quarterly meeting of members and Committee meetings, and otherwise perform all those duties usually pertaining to the office of Membership Secretary.
The Membership Secretary is to ensure that the Membership Database is kept strictly confidential and to provide accurate email lists on request by the Chair, Meeting Secretary and Treasurer for single-purpose use only.
- Treasurer Responsibilities
The Treasurer shall:
- Receive and document all moneys payable to the RDRR and deposit such moneys in the name of the RDRR in such bank as the Committee shall direct,
- Keep correct records of receipts and disbursements of the RDRR and pay all authorised accounts as authorised by another member of the Committee as designated by them,
- Furnish to the AGM a set of financial statements that record the results of the past year’s financial performance that have been reviewed by an Accounts Reviewer appointed at the AGM, and
- Provide bank statements to the Membership Secretary to ensure that the Membership Database is kept accurate.
- Alliances and Donations
- The Committee may develop informal alliances locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally with individuals and organisations whose purposes coincide with those of the RDRR.
- The Treasurer shall accept donations from donors as the Committee shall direct. Alliances, endorsements, and donations will not confer membership of the RDRR.
- Dissolution
The RDRR shall not be dissolved except by members at an AGM or at a SGM convened for that purpose. A two-thirds majority of members present and voting at such meetings is required for the passing of a dissolution resolution. After being dissolved the funds and property of the RDRR are to be distributed by way of transfer as determined by a two-third majority of the members present and voting at the dissolution meeting to a society or societies which have objects like those of the RDRR.
- Alteration of Rules
No alteration or addition to the Constitution and Rules of the RDRR shall be effected unless at an AGM or SGM of members, of which due notice has been given to members within 14 clear days of the meeting, not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting assent thereto.
- Pecuniary Benefits
Notwithstanding any other clause in these rules no member or person associated with that member shall in their capacity as a member or associated person be permitted to make any pecuniary gain from the RDRR. Any payment made to a member or person associated with that member in ignorance of this rule shall be recovered by the RDRR. Any amendment to these rules may not be made without the prior written approval of the Inland Revenue Department.
These are the Constitution and Rules of the RDRRas adopted at the AGM held Thursday 16 February 2023.
Signed by the Chair of the RDRR
16 February 2023