RDRR - Keeping the Community Informed
Welcome to Rotorua District Residents & Ratepayers Association
Are you concerned about how Rotorua has gone badly wrong under the current Council? So are we.
There have been many poor decisions made by the current Council that have damaged Rotorua’s reputation as a great place to live and visit. Among these are the use of motels on Fenton Street for emergency housing , disposing of reserves and potentially the Springfield Golf Course, extravagant rates increases and running up debt, to name a few. They even tried to introduce undemocratic election arrangements to Rotorua.
Many of these poor decisions were debated and predetermined in secret “Elected Members workshops” from which the media and public were excluded by people who weren’t Elected Members of Council. Rotorua Lakes Council is currently the subject of an investigation by the Ombudsman into this anti-democratic practice.
Our endorsed Councillor Candidates are committed to bringing about “deep change” in Council’s decision-making processes. A vote for an RDRR endorsed candidate is a vote to fix Council and fix Rotorua.
Here’s the Daily Post’s coverage of RDRR’s Campaign Launch at a packed Springfield Golf Club.
We invite you to join the liveliest conversation about Rotorua’s future on RDRR’s Facebook Page. We have over 3,000 people following us.