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Margeurita Street

 Status quo is just that, “the existing state of affairs” (Oxford Dictionary).  At the Council meeting 26 Nov, the vote to modify the status quo of Margeurita St was passed. I now hope that those who wanted change won’t later complain about the noise of vehicles slowing then revving up at pavement extensions or of potential accidents caused by driving over these extensions.

Council has said it had consultations but the three options offered were not what was before Council.   4 councillors opposed the modifications.  88% of petitioners opposed the modifications, yet Council has bulldozed ahead.  One must wonder just who was party to the “consultation” and what, if any, pressure was applied.
It now looks as though the issue will find itself in court or with the ombudsman.  I’d have thought that Council had had enough to do with public litigation to avoid it.  We’ve heard ad nauseum of the costs to Council (ratepayers) of previous court cases and legal fees against Reynold Macpherson, and seen him publicly blamed and shamed.  Is Council now going to publicly blame and shame itself and publicly admit legal costs for its decision to ignore the will of 88% of petitioners?
Paddi Hodgkiss